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At Belgrave, our intent is to ensure that:

Children have a clear understanding of British history, ancient civilisations and non-European societies and how the past has influenced the present. They are able to apply their knowledge to different contexts to understand the connections between local, regional, national and international history.

Learners demonstrate a high level of oracy in history, and can accurately use key abstract terms including empire, civilisation, parliament, and peasantry.

Children have a conceptual understanding of key historical concepts such as; continuity and change, cause and consequence, similarity, difference and significance.

Learners understand how to think like a historian, use evidence to make historical claims, think critically and analytically, and understand why people have different opinions or viewpoints.

Children understand the complexity of people’s lives, the process of change and the diversity of societies and beliefs whilst celebrating these differences.

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Our history curriculum is progressive and relevant, with important concepts threaded through units throughout the school to develop children’s understanding of abstract terms. Each history unit has a main enquiry question (See long term plan). Every lesson in the unit has a key question for the children to focus on which builds on their knowledge. High quality retrieval tasks check understanding throughout a topic, and an end of unit assessment, answering the main enquiry question for the unit, ensures that pupils have knowledge required for future learning. 



Cultural Capital is the collection of skills and experiences which children need to help them thrive in the wider world. 

Our history provision (including out of school trips linked to history topics) aims to give the children a diverse set of encounters and skills which will be valuable to them long after they leave Year 6. These include:

  • Wider opportunities – Educational visits linked to our topics

  • Visitors coming into school to talk about history/re-enact historical events or time periods

  • Celebrating diversity – Black History week

  • New experiences

  • Understanding how history has shaped our future

  • Celebrating different cultures, traditions, and faiths – a diverse curriculum

  • Opportunities to discuss careers in history – visiting local museums

  • Promoting British values

  • Enhancing knowledge of our local area through local history units



The skills and knowledge the children use in History complement those in the rest of the curriculum. These are just some of the ways that History links to other areas of their study:



Each year group reads at least one text which has been based on their history topic. Opportunities during history lessons for children to read, reading research from secondary sources or reading primary sources. Class libraries have a history section for any books that link to history topics. 


Children produce two pieces of extended writing in English lessons based on the text they have studied. Children will produce a purposeful piece of writing during a history unit which demonstrates them using history skills – such as explaining or comparing/contrasting.


Chronology is covered in all history units which links with timelines and knowing where dates are on a timeline. Children need a good understanding of number to order and compare when different events or civilisations occurred/existed.


1:1 iPads are used to support all learning in history. Children use a variety of apps and have access to the internet to carry out independent research or to look at artefacts related to a particular time. They can then present their findings creatively.


During most history units, children will need to understand where in the world events happened or civilisations lived. Maps are often used to illustrate this, and compared to modern day maps to show how the world has changed. 


Art and Design or DT projects are usually linked to the history unit if appropriate. 


Children learn about significant scientists who link with their science units and the impact they have had on the development of our understanding in science.

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History skills are key parts of children becoming historians! At Belgrave, we ensure that children do not just learn the historical knowledge and facts about the past, but they also learn how to work and think like a historian. To be able to develop children’s enquiry skills, Belgrave’s history skills wheel is shared with learners at the beginning of each lesson and is present on all history working walls. Children will then understand how historians work and they can use specific skills to enhance their history learning. The history skills that children use at Belgrave are: Using sources, comparing and contrasting, explaining, asking questions, using chronology and carrying out historical enquiries. 

Sussex Place, Stoke-on-Trent, ST3 4TP

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Belgrave St Bartholomew’s Academy is operated by St Bart’s Multi Academy Trust which is a charitable company limited by guarantee and registered in England and Wales with company number 8735454.

Registered Office: Belgrave St Bartholomew's Academy, Sussex Place, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire, ST3 4TP.

The St Bart's Academy Trust
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© Belgrave St. Bartholomew's Academy 2023

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