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At Belgrave through our PE curriculum, physical activity and sport provision our children will:

  • Become competent in a range of physical skills and activities

  • Be given the opportunity to engage in physical activity that will continue to challenge their fitness levels.

  • Have the opportunity to participate in competitive sports and a range of activities both during lessons and in extra-curricular events.

  • Be actively encouraged to make healthy choices to establish healthy, active lifestyles that will take them into adulthood.

We further aim to equip all children with:

  • Knowledge of how to be physically active and what skills they need in order to be able to participate in a range of sports and physical activity.

  • Social, Emotional and Thinking skills needed to support healthy participation in sport.



The PE curriculum is built to ensure that each child’s journey follows a clear progression ladder. Children build on the skills and knowledge learnt in previous years to make progress as they move through school. 


All children will be exposed to subject specific vocabulary and are expected to use this during their PE lessons when reflecting on their progress.

Our PE Curriculum is taught by a Qualified PE Specialist Teacher, Class Teachers and High quality Sports Coaches who all follow the same progression documents and plan and teach collaboratively to ensure a progressive PE curriculum for children throughout the whole school. 

PE Roadmap (No swimming).png


Cultural Capital is the collection of skills and experiences which children need to help them thrive in the wider world. 

All children in our school have the opportunity to participate in a wide range of after school clubs that varies throughout the year, dependant on the time of year and also based on feedback from the children. Some examples of clubs we offer include: football, girl’s football, basketball, athletics, cricket, dance, team games, multi-sports and superhero club. 

Competition for children at Belgrave happens in three ways; personal best, intra-year and intra-house competitions and also inter-school competitions. 

  • Children are encouraged to improve on their own individual progress throughout their PE lessons as part of the end of lesson SCaNS (Strengths, Challenges and Next Steps) reflection time. 

  • Children are all part of a House System and sporting events take place throughout the year, giving all children the opportunity to participate and compete.

  • Children from across a wide variety of year groups have the opportunity to be selected to represent our school in competitions in the local area.



The skills and knowledge the children use in PE complement those in the rest of the curriculum. These are just some of the ways that PE links to other areas of their study:


Class Libraries offer a range of fiction and non-fiction texts based on sport, physical activity and healthy eating. These are available to borrow to share with family at home.


Children in Key Stage 2 will be given the opportunity to become Sports Reporters, writing input for the Blog and Newsletters.


Children develop their skills in timekeeping, measuring and also strategic thinking and problem solving during PE lessons.


Children build upon the Team Building units in Key Stage 1 by completing a sequence of lessons in Orienteering during Year 3 and 4. This is new to the curriculum at Belgrave and follows our participation in World Orienteering Day 2022.



Throughout the Science curriculum, children are taught a number of Biology units based on how the body stays healthy, which links in directly with the PE Curriculum and in particular the Fitness units.


The Being Healthy unit supports children to make healthy choices for their physical and mental wellbeing and also encourages a growth mindset, which are important skills for a physically active lifestyle.


Children have the opportunity to design and make healthy food choices during their Design and Technology lessons.


Children use iPads to record themselves and their peers during PE lessons to watch and provide feedback. Videos are used to focus on strategy and to improve performance in key skills.



All primary schools receive an additional yearly PE Premium grant from the Government. This extra funding is intended to heighten the effectiveness of PE provision in schools, and it is at the school’s discretion as to how the additional funding is spent.


Our school’s aim is to use the additional funding to improve the quality of teaching of PE, as well as engaging our children in high quality sporting activities, both curricular, extra-curricular and providing the children with experiences they may not get to do outside and beyond primary school.

PE & Sports Funding Plan

Evaluated PE & Sports Funding Plan

PE Funding

Sussex Place, Stoke-on-Trent, ST3 4TP

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Belgrave St Bartholomew’s Academy is operated by St Bart’s Multi Academy Trust which is a charitable company limited by guarantee and registered in England and Wales with company number 8735454.

Registered Office: Belgrave St Bartholomew's Academy, Sussex Place, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire, ST3 4TP.

The St Bart's Academy Trust
BTSA New Logo 2020 - White.png

© Belgrave St. Bartholomew's Academy 2023

Parents can request a copy of any documents on our website for free. Please contact the school office to make a request.

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