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The Sunshine Room was established in November 2021 as a provision to meet the learning needs of up to 12 children from Nursery to year 2 at Belgrave St. Bartholomew’s Academy.  The children accessing the provision have joined our school with an Education, Health and Care Plan in place or are going through the Education, Health and Care Needs Assessment process.  The children experience a personalised learning approach for large parts of each day.  Children access the provision for the majority of their morning sessions (flexible depending on child strengths) and have a more flexible approach to the afternoon sessions, to enable strengths and areas for development to be best supported.

The Sunshine Room is situated in the centre of the school providing access to each key stage and the school hall.  The provision is a highly staffed and nurturing environment, providing excellent opportunities so that each child can maximise their learning potential.   We work closely with professionals and outside agencies and have frequent conversations and strong relationships with families.


Learning looks different for each of our children as it is bespoke to their individual needs.  We use the Locke and Beech Developmental Profile to track the development of each child and also the Likert Scale to monitor and track the children’s progress in giving focus and attention.  The aim is for each child to be able to generalise the skills and progress evidenced within the Sunshine Room, back into the mainstream classroom so that they are successfully able to access the teaching and learning in the longer term.


The children in the Sunshine Room are supported by key adults, who know and understand each child’s needs.  Each child has the opportunities and encouragement needed to develop their independent skills in a developmentally appropriate way. Learning is play based with many opportunities to explore through sensory experiences.


We endeavour to offer the children a wider learning experience with our planned educational outings and have worked closely with the Foundation Stage Team to ensure the children are accessing a broad and balanced curriculum.


Children receive access to a designated classroom space, with planned and managed inclusion in mainstream as appropriate to need.  We provide each pupil with a broad, balanced and personalised range of learning experiences and we take a broad view of inclusion to best equip pupils to participate in as full a range of educational, social and community opportunities as possible. This includes periods of integration into their mainstream classrooms, with modelling of good practice to mainstream staff.

The Sunshine Room provides the environment for our children to become confident, sociable and independent learners. It is a place where individuals are celebrated and provides the opportunity to ensure each child is ultimately able to access the right provision and setting for their longer term needs.  We acknowledge that the mainstream setting may not be the most appropriate for all children and we will work closely with parents and professionals to ensure every child accesses the appropriate support.


For all pupils to achieve their best

To provide support and a curriculum relevant to each child’s appropriate cognitive levels of development

To meet any EHCP objectives for pupils with a plan and to work with the relevant agencies to develop plans for those not yet at the end of the EHCP process

To work closely with the L.A and outside agencies

To provide a highly structured teaching environment

To observe and assess pupils using the Locke and Beech Developmental Profile & other appropriate assessment tools, in order to provide opportunities for appropriate teaching and learning

To provide the opportunities to work in small groups and independently

To support the pupils back in mainstream lessons, where necessary

To provide pupil passports, complete with up to date strategies and new information as it arises for the mainstream staff

To work in partnership with parents, using Dojo to share successes and as a communication tool

To work in partnership with external support, professionals and therapists

To organise staff training and continued support for all involved in working with the children



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Watch our retelling of our class story here:


The Sunshine Room recognises the important contribution parents make to their child’s learning. We work in partnership with the parents and will communicate on a regular basis either in person, via phone conversations or through Class Dojo. Parents are encouraged to use the communication tools to communicate any pertinent information about their child. By sharing this information with the school, we are more able to adapt the day to ensure that a child is calm and available for learning. There are termly opportunities for parents to come in to the school to discuss the progress of the students. Pupils with an EHCP will also have an annual review meeting with key staff and external agents to review and set targets as identified in their EHCP.

Sussex Place, Stoke-on-Trent, ST3 4TP

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Belgrave St Bartholomew’s Academy is operated by St Bart’s Multi Academy Trust which is a charitable company limited by guarantee and registered in England and Wales with company number 8735454.


Registered Office: Belgrave St Bartholomew's Academy, Sussex Place, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire, ST3 4TP.

The St Bart's Academy Trust
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© Belgrave St. Bartholomew's Academy 2023

Parents can request a copy of any documents on our website for free. Please contact the school office to make a request.

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